Kris Kristofferson

n°687 États-Unis
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20 plus grand tubes
à la playlist
  1. Help Me Make It Through The Night
  2. Me And Bobby Mcgee
  3. For The Good Times
  4. Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down
  5. Why Me
  6. Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again)
  7. Nobody Wins
  8. Casey's Last Ride
  9. Jody And The Kid
  10. Come Sundown
  11. Stranger
  12. The Taker
  13. To Beat The Devil
  14. The Silver Tongued Devil And I
  15. Billy Dee
  16. Once More With Feeling
  17. I'd Rather Be Sorry
  18. Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends
  19. Help Me
  20. Sugar Man

La boutique de Kris Kristofferson

La discothèque idéale de Kris Kristofferson


Faites un tour d'horizon de la discographie de Kris Kristofferson afin de compléter votre discothèque personnelle avec le meilleur de Kris Kristofferson à avoir chez soi. Notre sélection d'oeuvres de Kris Kristofferson vous permettra de découvrir les multiples facettes musicales de la carrière de Kris Kristofferson.

  1. Pochette Full Moon
    Full Moon Album*
  2. Pochette Closer to the Bone
    Closer to the Bone Album*
  3. Pochette Kristofferson
    Kristofferson Album*
  4. Pochette Breakaway
    Breakaway Album*
  5. Pochette This Old Road
    This Old Road Album*
  6. Pochette Natural Act
    Natural Act Album*
  7. Pochette Jesus Was a Capricorn
    Jesus Was a Capricorn Album*
  8. Pochette Spooky Lady’s Sideshow
    Spooky Lady’s Sideshow Album*
  9. Pochette A Star Is Born
    A Star Is Born Bande Originale*
  10. Pochette Surreal Thing
    Surreal Thing Album*
  11. Pochette The Austin Sessions
    The Austin Sessions Album*
  12. Pochette Border Lord
    Border Lord Album*

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