Hariprasad Chaurasia

n°15 Inde
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20 plus grand tubes
à la playlist
  1. Raag Madhmad Sarang
  2. Raag Miyan Ki Malhar
  3. Rachna Pahadi
  4. Raga Hansadhwani
  5. Raga Des
  6. Peace (Alap)
  7. Peace (Gat)
  8. Love (Alap)
  9. Love (Gat)
  10. Harmony (Alap)
  11. Harmony (Gat)
  12. Raga Bageshwari
  13. Raag Brindabani Sarang
  14. Raag Manjh Khammaj
  15. Raag Jhinjhoti
  16. Puriya Kalyan (Nord)
  17. Jansammohini (Sud)
  18. Rag Ahir Bhairav, Alap And Jor
  19. Rag Ahir Bhairav, Slow Gat In Rupak Tal, Fast Gat In Teental
  20. Raga Jhinjhoti, Pt. 1

Discographie de Hariprasad Chaurasia

59 albums studios

  1. Pochette Vrindavan (Live)
    Vrindavan (Live)11 Octobre 2019
  2. Pochette Music Therapy - For Motivation & Rejuvenation
    Music Therapy - For Motivation & Rejuvenation15 Janvier 2016
  3. Pochette Jugalbandi - II
    Jugalbandi - IIOctobre 2011
  4. Pochette All Time Favourites
    All Time FavouritesMars 2010
  5. Pochette Classical Wonders Of India - Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia
    Classical Wonders Of India - Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia2009
  6. Pochette Rasdhara
    Rasdhara24 Janvier 2006
  7. Pochette Bamboo Music
    Bamboo Music2005
  8. Pochette Shikhar
  9. Pochette Sangeet Sartaj, Volume 2
    Sangeet Sartaj, Volume 22002
  10. Pochette Sangeet Sartaj, Volume 1
    Sangeet Sartaj, Volume 12002
  11. Pochette Adi Anant - Création Mondiale
    Adi Anant - Création Mondiale2001
  12. Pochette The Valley Recalls: In Search of Peace, Love and Harmony
    The Valley Recalls: In Search of Peace, Love and Harmony15 Septembre 2000
  13. Pochette The Valley Recalls: Raga Bhoopali
    The Valley Recalls: Raga Bhoopali15 Septembre 2000
  14. Pochette Music Without Boundaries
    Music Without Boundaries29 Août 2000
  15. Pochette Krishna's Charm
    Krishna's Charm2000
  16. Pochette Caravan: Gypsies Floating on the Cloud Spain
    Caravan: Gypsies Floating on the Cloud Spain2000
  17. Pochette Hari-Krishna: In Praise Of Janmashtami
    Hari-Krishna: In Praise Of Janmashtami1er Juillet 1999
  18. Pochette Classical Instrumental: Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia (Live At Savai Gandharva Festival, Pune)
    Classical Instrumental: Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia (Live At Savai Gandharva Festival, Pune)1999
  19. Pochette All Time Favourites
    All Time Favourites1er Août 1998
  20. Pochette Out Of The Blue
    Out Of The Blue1996
  21. Pochette Flying Beyond: Improvisations on Bamboo Flute
    Flying Beyond: Improvisations on Bamboo Flute11 Juillet 1995
  22. Pochette The Elements - Wind
    The Elements - Wind1995
  23. Pochette Raga Bageshri
    Raga Bageshri1995
  24. Pochette Above & Beyond: Music from the World of Osho
    Above & Beyond: Music from the World of Osho1995
  25. Pochette In A Mellow Mood
    In A Mellow Mood1994
  26. Pochette Divine Dhrupad
    Divine Dhrupad1994
  27. Pochette Maestro's Choice Series One: Flute
    Maestro's Choice Series One: Flute1993
  28. Pochette Soundscapes - Music of the Rivers
    Soundscapes - Music of the Rivers1993
  29. Pochette Raga Darbari Kanada / Dhun in Raga Mishra Pilu
    Raga Darbari Kanada / Dhun in Raga Mishra Pilu1993
  30. Pochette Sounds of Silence
    Sounds of Silence1993
  31. Pochette Flute Fantasia
    Flute Fantasia1992
  32. Pochette Megh Malhar - Volume Three
    Megh Malhar - Volume Three1er Janvier 1991
  33. Pochette Here
  34. Pochette Rāg Bhimpalāsi
    Rāg Bhimpalāsi1991
  35. Pochette Romantic Themes on Flute
    Romantic Themes on Flute30 Mai 1990
  36. Pochette Rāg Lalit
    Rāg Lalit1er Janvier 1989
  37. Pochette Rāg Kaunsī Kānhṛā
    Rāg Kaunsī Kānhṛā1989
  38. Pochette Rāg Ahir Bhairav
    Rāg Ahir Bhairav1988
  39. Pochette La Flûte de Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia
    La Flûte de Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia1986
  40. Pochette Fabulous Flute of Hariprasad Chaurasia
    Fabulous Flute of Hariprasad Chaurasia1985
  41. Pochette La Flute de Hariprasad Chaurasia
    La Flute de Hariprasad Chaurasia1976
  42. Pochette Yugal Bundi
    Yugal Bundi1975
  43. Pochette Down Melody Lane
    Down Melody Lane1973
  44. Pochette Flute Recital
    Flute Recital1970
  45. Pochette Call of the Valley
    Call of the Valley1968
  46. Pochette Music of India - Flute Recital
    Music of India - Flute Recital1968
  47. Pochette The Jugalbandi Series Vol.2
    The Jugalbandi Series Vol.2
  48. Pochette Live Inside Khajuraho
    Live Inside Khajuraho
  49. Pochette The Jugalbandi Series Vol.1
    The Jugalbandi Series Vol.1
  50. Pochette Maestro's Choice: Series 2: Flute
    Maestro's Choice: Series 2: Flute
  51. Pochette Together
  52. Pochette The Mystical Flute of Hariprasad Chaurasia
    The Mystical Flute of Hariprasad Chaurasia
  53. Pochette Chaurasia's Choice
    Chaurasia's Choice
  54. Pochette Flute: Live at Kufa Gallery 1990
    Flute: Live at Kufa Gallery 1990
  55. Pochette Power And Grace - I
    Power And Grace - I
  56. Pochette Raga Cycle
    Raga Cycle
  57. Pochette Four Dhuns
    Four Dhuns
  58. Pochette Flute - In Live Concert
    Flute - In Live Concert
  59. Pochette Pure Bliss, Volume 1
    Pure Bliss, Volume 1