Green Carnation

n°62 Norvège
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à la playlist
  1. Sweet Leaf
  2. The Burden Is Mine… Alone
  3. Six Ribbons
  4. Transparent Me
  5. Crushed To Dust
  6. Writings On The Wall
  7. My Dark Reflections Of Life And Death
  8. Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness
  9. Maybe?
  10. Alone
  11. 9-29-045
  12. High Tide Waves
  13. Into Deep
  14. The Boy In The Attic
  15. Myron And Cole
  16. As Life Flows By
  17. Rain
  18. Falling Into Darkness
  19. In The Realm Of The Midnight Sun
  20. Under Eternal Stars

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La discothèque idéale de Green Carnation


Faites un tour d'horizon de la discographie de Green Carnation afin de compléter votre discothèque personnelle avec le meilleur de Green Carnation à avoir chez soi. Notre sélection d'oeuvres de Green Carnation vous permettra de découvrir les multiples facettes musicales de la carrière de Green Carnation.

  1. Pochette The Acoustic Verses
    The Acoustic Verses Album*
  2. Pochette Journey to the End of the Night
    Journey to the End of the Night Album*
  3. Pochette A Blessing in Disguise
    A Blessing in Disguise Album*
  4. Pochette Light of Day, Day of Darkness
    Light of Day, Day of Darkness Album*
  5. Pochette The Quiet Offspring
    The Quiet Offspring Album*
  6. Pochette The Burden Is Mine… Alone
    The Burden Is Mine… Alone Maxi*
  7. Pochette Leaves of Yesteryear
    Leaves of Yesteryear Album*
  8. Pochette A Night Under the Dam
    A Night Under the Dam Live*
  9. Pochette Last Day of Darkness
    Last Day of Darkness Live*
  10. Pochette Alive and Well… In Krakow
    Alive and Well… In Krakow Live*
  11. Pochette Hallucinations of Despair
    Hallucinations of Despair Divers*
  12. Pochette Last Day of Darkness (concert excerpt I)
    Last Day of Darkness (concert excerpt I) Album*

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