Damien Jurado

n°1501 États-Unis En tournée
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20 plus grand tubes
à la playlist
  1. Silver Timothy
  2. Metallic Cloud
  3. Jericho Road
  4. Silver Malcolm
  5. Return To Maraqopa
  6. Silver Katherine
  7. Everyone A Star
  8. Ohio
  9. Diamond Sea
  10. Night Out For The Downer
  11. Simple Hello
  12. Rachel And Cali
  13. Cloudy Shoes
  14. Arkansas
  15. Kansas City
  16. Harborview
  17. The Falling Snow
  18. You For A While
  19. Silver Joy
  20. Plains To Crash

Discographie de Damien Jurado

22 albums studios

  1. Pochette Passing the Giraffes
    Passing the Giraffes1er Novembre 2023
  2. Pochette Motorcycle Madness
    Motorcycle Madness13 Octobre 2023
  3. Pochette Sometimes You Hurt the Ones You Hate
    Sometimes You Hurt the Ones You Hate31 Mars 2023
  4. Pochette Reggae Film Star
    Reggae Film Star24 Juin 2022
  5. Pochette The Monster Who Hated Pennsylvania
    The Monster Who Hated Pennsylvania14 Mai 2021
  6. Pochette What's New, Tomboy?
    What's New, Tomboy?1er Mai 2020
  7. Pochette In the Shape of a Storm
    In the Shape of a Storm12 Avril 2019
  8. Pochette The Horizon Just Laughed
    The Horizon Just Laughed4 Mai 2018
  9. Pochette Visions of Us on the Land
    Visions of Us on the Land18 Mars 2016
  10. Pochette Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son
    Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son21 Janvier 2014
  11. Pochette Maraqopa
    Maraqopa21 Février 2012
  12. Pochette Other People's Songs
    Other People's SongsAoût 2010
  13. Pochette Saint Bartlett
    Saint Bartlett24 Mai 2010
  14. Pochette Caught in the Trees
    Caught in the Trees9 Septembre 2008
  15. Pochette And Now That I’m in Your Shadow
    And Now That I’m in Your Shadow10 Octobre 2006
  16. Pochette On My Way to Absence
    On My Way to Absence5 Avril 2005
  17. Pochette This Fabulous Century
    This Fabulous CenturyOctobre 2004
  18. Pochette Where Shall You Take Me?
    Where Shall You Take Me?4 Mars 2003
  19. Pochette I Break Chairs
    I Break Chairs19 Février 2002
  20. Pochette Ghost of David
    Ghost of David19 Septembre 2000
  21. Pochette Rehearsals for Departure
    Rehearsals for Departure9 Février 1999
  22. Pochette Waters Ave. S.
    Waters Ave. S.28 Janvier 1997

15 singles

  1. Pochette Roger
    Roger29 Mars 2022
  2. Pochette What Happened to the Class of '65?
    What Happened to the Class of '65?4 Mars 2022
  3. Pochette Take Your Time
    Take Your Time17 Septembre 2021
  4. Pochette Alice Hyatt
    Alice Hyatt31 Mars 2020
  5. Pochette Over Rainbows and Rainier
    Over Rainbows and Rainier6 Mars 2018
  6. Pochette Ohio (filous remix)
    Ohio (filous remix)9 Décembre 2014
  7. Pochette Almost Home
    Almost Home7 Janvier 2014
  8. Pochette Silver Timothy
    Silver Timothy20 Décembre 2013
  9. Pochette Wyoming Songbirds / Ghost Of David (The Return)
    Wyoming Songbirds / Ghost Of David (The Return)2012
  10. Pochette Diamond Sea / Pentagrams
    Diamond Sea / Pentagrams2012
  11. Pochette Clouds Beyond / Let Us All In
    Clouds Beyond / Let Us All In2012
  12. Pochette Traded For Fire
    Traded For Fire15 Mai 2007
  13. Pochette Traded For Fire / Ghost Of David
    Traded For Fire / Ghost Of David24 Janvier 2006
  14. Pochette Big Let Down b/w Make Up Your Mind
    Big Let Down b/w Make Up Your Mind5 Novembre 2002
  15. Pochette Letters & Drawings
    Letters & Drawings10 Mai 1999