Chris de Burgh

n°268 Royaume-Uni En tournée
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20 plus grand tubes
à la playlist
  1. A Spaceman Came Travelling
  2. The Lady In Red
  3. Missing You
  4. High On Emotion
  5. Don't Pay The Ferryman
  6. Sailing Away
  7. Say Goodbye To It All
  8. Borderline
  9. Fatal Hesitation
  10. Spanish Train
  11. Ship To Shore
  12. Where Peaceful Waters Flow
  13. Tender Hands
  14. One Word (Straight To The Heart)
  15. Lonely Sky
  16. Patricia The Stripper
  17. Last Night
  18. Fire On The Water
  19. In A Country Churchyard
  20. The Getaway

La boutique de Chris de Burgh

La discothèque idéale de Chris de Burgh


Faites un tour d'horizon de la discographie de Chris de Burgh afin de compléter votre discothèque personnelle avec le meilleur de Chris de Burgh à avoir chez soi. Notre sélection d'oeuvres de Chris de Burgh vous permettra de découvrir les multiples facettes musicales de la carrière de Chris de Burgh.

  1. Pochette Timing Is Everything
    Timing Is Everything Album*
  2. Pochette Spanish Train and Other Stories
    Spanish Train and Other Stories Album*
  3. Pochette Into the Light
    Into the Light Album*
  4. Pochette Flying Colours
    Flying Colours Album*
  5. Pochette Man on the Line
    Man on the Line Album*
  6. Pochette Footsteps
    Footsteps Album*
  7. Pochette The Road to Freedom
    The Road to Freedom Album*
  8. Pochette At the End of a Perfect Day
    At the End of a Perfect Day Album*
  9. Pochette Quiet Revolution
    Quiet Revolution Album*
  10. Pochette Crusader
    Crusader Album*
  11. Pochette Far Beyond These Castle Walls
    Far Beyond These Castle Walls Album*
  12. Pochette A Better World
    A Better World Album*

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