Why Didn't I Think of That / A Love You Can Depend On - Brenda & the Tabulations - Écoute gratuite

Why Didn't I Think of That / A Love You Can Depend On

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 Pochette Why Didn't I Think of That / A Love You Can Depend On 
2 titres Durée 5:31
    1. 1Écouter Ajouter Why Didn't I Think Of That 2:48 
    2. 2Écouter Ajouter A Love You Can Depend On 2:43 

Genres musicaux

Les 2 genres musicaux associés aux chansons de Why Didn't I Think of That / A Love You Can Depend On de Brenda & the Tabulations sont :

  1. Soul
  2. Philly soul
Pochette Why Didn't I Think of That / A Love You Can Depend On
© Brenda & the Tabulations

Première parution

Date :
Région : États-Unis
Label : Top and Bottom Records

Edition présentée

Pistes : 2
Durée : 5min 31sec
Langue principale : Anglais