Logo d'AllformusicAllformusic
Icône des catégoriesCatégories
  1. Boilk
  2. Seven Is A Jolly Good Time
  3. While Growing My Hair
  4. You Are All Princes
  5. Bulb
  6. I Will Be Absorbed
  7. Long Piece No. 3, Part 2
  8. Long Piece No. 3, Part 3
  9. Long Piece No. 3, Part 4
  10. Fugue In D Minor
  11. They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano…
  12. The Song Of Mcgillicudie The Pusillanimous (Or Don't Worry James, Your Socks Are Hanging In The Coal Cellar With Thomas)
  13. Symphony No. 2: First Movement
  14. Symphony No. 2: Second Movement
  15. Symphony No. 2: Blane
  16. Symphony No. 2: Third Movement
  17. Symphony No. 2: Fourth Movement
  18. A Visit To Newport Hospital
  19. Contrasong
  20. Long Piece No. 3, Part 1

Discographie de Egg