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Finlande - Les meilleurs singles et maxis de l'année 1998

drapeau Finlande

Finlande : écouter les 26 meilleurs singles et maxis de l'année 1998

  1. Pochette Sacrament of Wilderness
    Sacrament of Wilderness Nightwish
  2. Pochette S.O.S.
    S.O.S. Stratovarius
  3. Pochette Downfall
    Downfall Children of Bodom
  4. Pochette Harmageddon
    Harmageddon Apocalyptica
  5. Pochette Wicked Game
    Wicked Game HIM
  6. Pochette Venera EP
    Venera EP Jimi Tenor
  7. Pochette Hallavedet
    Hallavedet Tenhi
  8. Pochette Promo 1998
    Promo 1998 Shape of Despair
  9. Pochette Your Sweet Six Six Six
    Your Sweet Six Six Six HIM
  10. Pochette Stomp to My Beat
    Stomp to My Beat JS16
  11. Pochette Liquid
    Liquid The Rasmus
  12. Pochette Routa ei lopu
    Routa ei lopu Kotiteollisuus
  13. Pochette Vaiennut soitto
    Vaiennut soitto Viikate
  14. Pochette Nothing Else Matters
    Nothing Else Matters Apocalyptica
  15. Pochette Aeons
    Aeons Noumena
  16. Pochette Omnium Gatherum
    Omnium Gatherum Omnium Gatherum
  17. Pochette Blessed Be the Darkness
    Blessed Be the Darkness Behexen
  18. Pochette Juoksu
    Juoksu Kotiteollisuus
  19. Pochette Deeper Sin
    Deeper Sin To/Die/For
  20. Pochette Sister
    Sister Suburban Tribe
  21. Pochette Walking in the Neon -98
    Walking in the Neon -98 Waltari
  22. Pochette Frozen / Revenge
    Frozen / Revenge Sentenced
  23. Pochette Not Your Game
    Not Your Game Lemonator
  24. Pochette Likainen mies
    Likainen mies Jonna Tervomaa
  25. Pochette Accidental Coincidence
    Accidental Coincidence Lemonator
  26. Pochette I Am the Leviathan
    I Am the Leviathan Lordi