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Finlande - Les meilleurs albums de l'année 2012

drapeau Finlande

Finlande : écouter les 48 meilleurs albums de l'année 2012

  1. Pochette Stones Grow Her Name
    Stones Grow Her Name Sonata Arctica
  2. Pochette Temple of Thought
    Temple of Thought Poets of the Fall
  3. Pochette Unsung Heroes
    Unsung Heroes Ensiferum
  4. Pochette X
    X The 69 Eyes
  5. Pochette Sin Cos Tan
    Sin Cos Tan Sin Cos Tan
  6. Pochette Rakkaudesta
    Rakkaudesta PMMP
  7. Pochette Circus Black
    Circus Black Amberian Dawn
  8. Pochette Symphonies 1 & 2
    Symphonies 1 & 2 Radion sinfoniaorkesteri
  9. Pochette Rise of the Phoenix
    Rise of the Phoenix Before the Dawn
  10. Pochette Emerald Forest and the Blackbird
    Emerald Forest and the Blackbird Swallow the Sun
  11. Pochette Modificata / Incantations (Percussion Concerto) / Towards the Horizon (Cello Concerto no. 2)
    Modificata / Incantations (Percussion Concerto) / Towards the Horizon (Cello Concerto no. 2) Einojuhani Rautavaara
  12. Pochette …and Death Said Live
    …and Death Said Live Mors Principium Est
  13. Pochette Nocebo
    Nocebo Stam1na
  14. Pochette Petäjäveräjät
    Petäjäveräjät Viikate
  15. Pochette Sotakoira II
    Sotakoira II Kotiteollisuus
  16. Pochette Finally
    Finally L.A.O.S.
  17. Pochette Corpus Christi
    Corpus Christi Syven
  18. Pochette Nightside Emanations
    Nightside Emanations Behexen
  19. Pochette Out of Nowhere: Violin Concerto / Nyx
    Out of Nowhere: Violin Concerto / Nyx Esa‐Pekka Salonen
  20. Pochette The Devil’s Resolve
    The Devil’s Resolve Barren Earth
  21. Pochette Symphonies nos. 5 & 7 / Karelia Suite
    Symphonies nos. 5 & 7 / Karelia Suite Jean Sibelius
  22. Pochette The Rasmus
    The Rasmus The Rasmus
  23. Pochette The Mystery of Aether
    The Mystery of Aether Jimi Tenor
  24. Pochette Blackoustic
    Blackoustic Kotipelto
  25. Pochette Of Sun and Moon
    Of Sun and Moon Overhead
  26. Pochette Vox amoris
    Vox amoris Juha Kangas
  27. Pochette Symphonies nos. 2 & 5
    Symphonies nos. 2 & 5 Jean Sibelius
  28. Pochette Coloratura
    Coloratura Sakari Oramo
  29. Pochette Ikävä omia maita
    Ikävä omia maita Tapiola Sinfonietta
  30. Pochette Epifania
    Epifania Jukka Tiensuu
  31. Pochette Live: Sibelius / Brahms / Tubin
    Live: Sibelius / Brahms / Tubin Jean Sibelius
  32. Pochette Saarella palaa (Fire on the Island)
    Saarella palaa (Fire on the Island) Jean Sibelius
  33. Pochette Trios
    Trios Tuija Hakkila
  34. Pochette Chamber Works
    Chamber Works Anssi Karttunen
  35. Pochette Shostakovich: Cello Concerto no. 1 / Britten: Cello Symphony
    Shostakovich: Cello Concerto no. 1 / Britten: Cello Symphony Pietari Inkinen
  36. Pochette The Acoustic Orchestrations: Works by Scriabin and Sibelius
    The Acoustic Orchestrations: Works by Scriabin and Sibelius Jean Sibelius
  37. Pochette Cello Concertos
    Cello Concertos Tuomas Hannikainen
  38. Pochette Symphonies nos. 6 and 7 / Finlandia
    Symphonies nos. 6 and 7 / Finlandia Pietari Inkinen
  39. Pochette Vulcano / Art of Metal I, III
    Vulcano / Art of Metal I, III Susanna Mälkki
  40. Pochette Songs by Schubert, Sibelius and Grieg
    Songs by Schubert, Sibelius and Grieg Jean Sibelius
  41. Pochette Four Symphonies
    Four Symphonies Aapo Häkkinen
  42. Pochette Brahms by Arrangement, Volume One: String Quintet in F minor / String Quintet in B minor
    Brahms by Arrangement, Volume One: String Quintet in F minor / String Quintet in B minor Anssi Karttunen
  43. Pochette Symphonies in B flat and in G / Flute Concerto in C
    Symphonies in B flat and in G / Flute Concerto in C Jyväskylä Sinfonia
  44. Pochette Lux aurumque
    Lux aurumque Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat
  45. Pochette Symphony no. 2 / Karelia Suite
    Symphony no. 2 / Karelia Suite Jean Sibelius
  46. Pochette Nebula: Works for Guitar
    Nebula: Works for Guitar Keski‐Pohjanmaan Kamariorkesteri
  47. Pochette Alles Vergängliche - Symphony for Organ / Three Interludes for Organ
    Alles Vergängliche - Symphony for Organ / Three Interludes for Organ Kalevi Aho
  48. Pochette Sun silmissäs näen rakkauden
    Sun silmissäs näen rakkauden Jyväskylä Sinfonia