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Finlande - Les meilleurs albums de l'année 1986

drapeau Finlande

Finlande : écouter les 16 meilleurs albums de l'année 1986

  1. Pochette Valkoinen kupla
    Valkoinen kupla Eppu Normaali
  2. Pochette Perjantai 14. päivä
    Perjantai 14. päivä Leevi and the Leavings
  3. Pochette Jonna
    Jonna Jonna Tervomaa
  4. Pochette Symphony no. 7 in C, op. 105 /
    Symphony no. 7 in C, op. 105 / "Kuolema", op. 44 & op. 62 / Night Ride and Sunrise, op. 55 Jean Sibelius
  5. Pochette Pohjola's Daughter / Tapiola / Rakastava / Impromptu for Strings
    Pohjola's Daughter / Tapiola / Rakastava / Impromptu for Strings Jean Sibelius
  6. Pochette Kullervo, op. 7
    Kullervo, op. 7 Jean Sibelius
  7. Pochette Historical Scenes, op. 25 & 66 / En saga, op. 9
    Historical Scenes, op. 25 & 66 / En saga, op. 9 Jean Sibelius
  8. Pochette The Origin of Fire, op. 32 / Sandels, op. 28
    The Origin of Fire, op. 32 / Sandels, op. 28 Jean Sibelius
  9. Pochette Pictures at an Exhibition / Night on a Bare Mountain / Songs & Dances of Death
    Pictures at an Exhibition / Night on a Bare Mountain / Songs & Dances of Death Martti Talvela
  10. Pochette Nordische Suiten
    Nordische Suiten Jean Sibelius
  11. Pochette Symphony no. 2
    Symphony no. 2 Leif Segerstam
  12. Pochette Lieder
    Lieder Jean Sibelius
  13. Pochette Crusell: Concerto no. 2 (Grand), op. 5 / Weber: Concertino, op. 26 / Baermann: Adagio / Rossini: Introduction, Theme and Variations
    Crusell: Concerto no. 2 (Grand), op. 5 / Weber: Concertino, op. 26 / Baermann: Adagio / Rossini: Introduction, Theme and Variations Bernhard Crusell
  14. Pochette Symphony no. 1
    Symphony no. 1 Jean Sibelius
  15. Pochette Sibelius / Grieg / Nielsen
    Sibelius / Grieg / Nielsen Jean Sibelius
  16. Pochette Jean Sibelius: Cello / Piano
    Jean Sibelius: Cello / Piano Jean Sibelius